CMHS Resource Center

Our library development is ongoing but we are pleased to make our resource listings available online. More information about our resource centre will be posted here in the near future. If you have any questions about our materials please feel free to contact us


To search for an author enter the author's last name. If you are unsure about the correct spelling you can enter the first few characters of their last name. E.g., entering "Pet" lists all authors whose last name begins with "Pet" including "Petroff" and "Petrovski," etc.

If you want to browse authors then enter the first character of the author's last name. E.g., entering "A" will list all author's whose last name begins with the letter "A".


To search a book's title enter the title exactly or enter a keyword found in the title. E.g., for books having "Macedonia" in the title enter "Macedonia".

Spelling counts and in most cases you are better off entering a keyword rather than a complete title.

If you are unsure about a title enter the first few letters of the keyword and narrow the search from there. E.g., "Ale" will list titles containing "Aleksandar" and "Alexander".

Note: Our "Category" listings are not complete and are still under development.
For a complete listing click here to peruse our entire catalogue »